Passo a passo: Como é o processo de securitização de ativos?

Autor: FlexFunds
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Asset securitization is one of the most frequently used methods of creating investment vehicles (ETPs) designed by financial advisors. Experts select a series of securities, indices, commodities, stocks, or other types of assets and securitize them through a provider such as FlexFunds. This company takes care of the entire process to create unique and innovative ETPs within reach of fund managers. Thus, thanks to these ETPs, asset managers, and financial advisors can expand the range of products to offer to their clients.

How is the asset securitization process?

FlexFunds’ asset securitization program makes setup ETPs simple for its customers, allowing them to select a variety of assets, including fund accounting and back-office services, corporate administration services, and product launch coordination. Your ETP is to be ready in 6 to 8 weeks, when it could take a minimum of 4 months through the traditional route. Thus, once the process has finished, the advisor can market this product in which it has repackaged several assets into a single investment vehicle.

FlexFunds is a service provider that offers solutions that support the securitization of assets; in just five simple steps, you will launch your ETP to the market, facilitating access to investors in the global capital market.

  1. Design the investment strategy of your ETP.
  2. Sign the Engagement Letter
  3. Due Diligence
  4. Investment vehicle Setup
  5. Issuance of your ETP

Asset securitization makes a series of assets more accessible and internationalized to reach other investors. It is a straightforward way for an investment advisor, for example, to expand to international markets with the creation of the ETP and provide greater access to investors.

Example of asset securitization

A company in the real estate sector has the business objective of reaching a more significant number of investors. To this end, it decides to put together in a portfolio a series of assets: residential or office buildings and decides to set up an ETP. Thanks to this vehicle, it will break down borders by improving the distribution of the investment strategy on the various international private banking platforms.

What assets can be securitized?

  • Liquid assets: stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, options, futures, and Forex.
  • Alternative assets: private investment funds, real estate investment funds, hedge funds, and private loans.

Thanks to FlexFunds’ solutions, you can access investment vehicles that securitize different types of assets, such as liquid, alternative, or listed assets, at the custodian of your choice.

FlexFunds coordinates the securitization program, a fast, efficient, and compliant process to make the ETP available to the client in the market and reach a more significant number of investors.

In addition, the positive aspect of having an expert such as FlexFunds is that it has more than ten years of experience in the asset securitization process with more than 250 issuances and more than 200 clients worldwide. It is a guarantee that gives clients the peace of mind that the ETP they want to develop meets all the requirements to reach a more significant number of investors.

What solutions does FlexFunds offer for asset securitization?

FlexFunds is a leading provider of investment vehicle setup solutions that support the securitization of assets, improve investment strategies’ distribution, and facilitate access to international investors. FlexFunds’ solutions include:

  • FlexPortfolio: unregulated ETP that securitizes listed liquid assets, such as stocks, bonds, options, Forex, futures, ETFs.
  • FlexFeeder unregulated investment vehicles that securitizes alternative assets and fund shares, such as private equity, real estate investment trusts, or hedge funds.
  • Flex Private Program: Provides large customers with the administration of their bespoke issuer of ETPs, allowing for increased flexibility and customization.

The time to market of these ETPs is between 6 and 8 weeks, a much shorter time than the rest of the available alternatives. FlexFunds’ ETPs will allow you to have a single ISIN code distributable through Euroclear.

If you want to know more about the asset securitization process and how you can benefit from it, don’t hesitate to contact our team.

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FlexDual Portfolio Details

Custódia Dupla: Securitiza uma estratégia com ativos listados em uma conta Interactive Brokers e uma Bank of New York Mellon


  • Bancabilidade: Distribuição global de uma estratégia
  • Administração centralizada
  • Alternativa para criação de fundos
  • Custódia de ativos listados localmente
  • Crie uma estratégia mista de investimento com renda fixa, ações e derivativos.


  • Plataforma de negociação e custódia com alavancagem disponível
  • Subscrição eficiente através da Euroclear
  • Permite a implementação de estratégias ativas pelo Portfolio Manager
  • Sem limitações no rebalanceamento ou composição do portfólio
  • Custo-benefício
  • Flexibilidade na escolha de broker para negociação dos ativos subjacentes

FlexRegulated Portfolio Details

Securitiza uma estratégia focada em investidores institucionais e de varejo através de uma conta Interactive Brokers com ativos listados em bolsa


  • Distribuição global de estratégias de investimento
  • Administração centralizada
  • Alternativa para a criação de fundos regulados


    • Plataforma de negociação e custódia com alavancagem disponível
    • Subscrição eficiente através da Euroclear
  • Sem limitações no rebalanceamento ou composição do portfólio
  • Custo-benefício

FlexOpen Portfolio Details

Securitiza uma estratégia com ativos listados em qualquer conta de custódia


  • Distribuição global de estratégias de investimento
  • Administração centralizada
  • Alternativa para a criação de fundos


  • Gerencie um portfólio de qualquer conta de custódia
  • Permite a introdução de “Introducing Brokers” para maximizar receitas comerciais
  • Os ativos sob gestão continuam sob controle do “Introducer Broker”
  • Subscrição eficiente através da Euroclear
  • Permite a implementação de estratégias ativas pelo Portfolio Manager
  • Sem limitações no rebalanceamento ou composição do portfólio
  • Custo-benefício

FlexPortfolio Details

Securitiza uma estratégia com ativos listados em uma conta de custódia do Bank of New York Mellon ou da Interactive Brokers


  • Distribuição global de estratégias de investimento
  • Administração centralizada
  • Alternativa para a criação de fundos
  • Custódia de títulos listados localmente


  • Subscrição eficiente através da Euroclear
  • Permite a implementação de estratégias ativas pelo Portfolio Manager
  • Sem limitações no rebalanceamento ou composição do portfólio
  • Custo-benefício
  • Flexibilidade na escolha de broker para negociação dos ativos subjacentes
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Bienvenido a FlexFunds
Ofrecemos nuestros servicios bajo Programas de Notas Globales a través de varias entidades que llevan a cabo diferentes actividades, entre las cuales se encuentran FlexFunds ETP LLC que actúa como Agente de Cálculo, y FlexFunds Ltd que actúa como Coordinador del programa. Antes de tomar la decisión de invertir en los Programas de Notas Globales, se deberá tener en cuenta lo siguiente:

1. Entidades independientes. FlexFunds ETP y FlexFunds Ltd no son los administradores de los vehículos de propósito especial (SPVs) ni responsables de la emisión de títulos bajo los Programas de Notas Globales.

2. Actividades coordinadas. FlexFunds ETP y FlexFunds Ltd actúan como coordinadores de las diferentes entidades que participan en los Programas de Notas Globales. Sin embargo, cada una de las entidades es responsable de sus obligaciones y actividades a lo largo del proceso.

3.- No somos una Casa de Bolsa o Agente de Bolsa, ni Asesores de Inversiones. Ni FlexFunds ETP ni FlexFunds Ltd. son agentes de bolsa registrados en los Estados Unidos ni asesores de inversión registrados ante la US Securities and Exchange Commission. Nuestras entidades no recaudan fondos para los clientes ni los Emisores. No solicitamos productos específicos, ni ofrecemos asesoramiento de inversión ni efectuamos recomendaciones de inversión, como tampoco brindamos asesoramiento impositivo, legal, financiero ni de otro tipo.

FlexFunds ETP puede recopilar datos sobre su computadora o dispositivo, incluyendo entre otros, su dirección IP, sistema operativo y tipo de navegador, para la administración del sistema y otros propósitos similares.

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Welcome to FlexFunds

We provide our services under the Global Note Programs through several entities that perform different activities. Among these entities are FlexFunds ETP LLC which acts as Calculation Agent, and FlexFunds Ltd, which acts as the Program Coordinator. Before making a decision to invest in the Global Note Programs, you should consider the following:

  1. Independent entities. FlexFunds ETP and FlexFunds Ltd. are not managers of the special purpose vehicles, collectively, responsible for the issuance of Notes under the Global Note Programs.
  2. Coordinated Activities. FlexFunds ETP and FlexFunds Ltd act as coordinators of the different entities participating in the Global Note Programs. However, each of the entities is responsible for its own duties and activities in the process.
  3. Not Broker-Dealer or Investment Adviser. Neither FlexFunds ETP nor FlexFunds Ltd. is a U.S. registered broker-dealer or an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Our entities do not raise capital for clients or the Issuers. We do not solicit any specific products, nor offer investment advice or make investment recommendations, nor do we offer tax, legal, financial advice or otherwise.

FlexFunds ETP may collect data about your computer or device, including, where available, your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and other similar purposes.